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The polkadot-launch program enables you to set up a local relay chain and parachain test network. Before you use polkadot-launch, you must have the binary files for a relay chain and a collator available in the bin folder. You can generate the relay chain and collator binary files by cloning the rococo-v1 branch of the polkadot and cumulus projects in the same root directory as the polkadot-launch repository. For detailed instructions about how to clone, compile, and copy the required binary files, see the README in the polkadot-launch repository.

The polkadot-launch program also requires you to provide a configuration file that defines the properties of the test network you want to set up. The configuration file can be a JSON or a JavaScript file. You can find examples for both JSON and JavaScript configuration files in the polkadot-launch repository.

Before you begin

Before you use polkadot-launch to set up a local test network, you need to prepare your environment with the required files:

  • Download and compile the polkadot relay chain and copy polkadot binary to the polkadot-launch/bin directory.
  • Download and compile the polkadot-collator and copy polkadot-collator binary to the polkadot-launch/bin directory.
  • Prepare a configuration file with the properties for your test network.

See the documentation in in the polkadot-launch repository for additional informmation abot performing these steps.


To install the polkadot-launch program:

  1. Open a terminal shell on your computer.
  2. Clone the polkadot-launch repository by running the following command:

    git clone https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-launch.git
  3. Change to the root directory of the polkadot-launch repository by running the following command:

    cd polkadot-launch
  4. Verify that you have either yarn or npm installed by running either of the following commands:

    yarn --version


    npm --version
  5. Install polkadot-launch by running either of the following commands:

    yarn global add polkadot-launch


    npm i polkadot-launch -g
  6. Verify the properties in your configuration file reflect the location of the relay chain and collator binaries.

Basic command usage

The basic syntax for running {polkadot-launch} commands is:

polkadot-launch <configuration-file> [flag]


You can use the following optional flags with the polkadot-launch command.

-h, --helpDisplays usage information.
-V, --versionDisplays version information.

For additional information about using polkadot-launch, see the README in the polkadot-launch repository.